• Question: What food is best to start your day?

    Asked by dani321 to Laura, Nicola, Norman, Sandra, Thanasis on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Laura Soul

      Laura Soul answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Well, my favourite thing to start the day with is muslei with yoghurt and milk, but generally its good to start with something that will release energy slowly so that you don’t get tired and hungry before lunch. Other things that are good for that are porridge or eggs, but not things with lots of sugar in them.

    • Photo: Norman Lazarus

      Norman Lazarus answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Depends on where you live. Most of the world exist on different breakfasts. Breakfast is one meal and provided all your food over a day is balanced in all the nutrients you need to live a healthy life you should be OK. Compare an Italian breakfast to a Chinese breakfast

    • Photo: Sandra Phinbow

      Sandra Phinbow answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      I get to work usually about 7.15 – I don’t like going in so early but I have to or I will be horribly stuck in traffic! So I go in early to avoid the jams. But this means I get over an hour to chill and go online, so I normally sit and have an orange and maybe some other fruits – I find them really juicy and refreshing at that time of the day. Or sometimes I have a fried egg on toast. Then I am normally fine up till about 11am when I have my tea break.

      I think as long as you do have some breakfast, you can probably have whatever you want – toast, cereal, fruit, yoghurt etc – but I don’t mean sweets and crisps! That won’t keep you going for long, and you’ll be really hungry soon after.

      Some people in countries in Europe have a ‘continental’ breakfast – hams, cheese, croissant, cakes, biscuits, and hot chocolate! Sounds good to me.

    • Photo: Nicola Wardrop

      Nicola Wardrop answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Normally I go for toast with jam, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so really I think I would be better having scrambled eggs on toast – this helps to keep me full till lunch time, and keeps me awake with enough energy! I’m just to lazy to make the scrambled eggs every morning! On the weekend, when I have more time and I am feeling very decadent, I will have toast with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon – luxury!!

      What do you like? I think it is really important to have breakfast, as it helps to get your body and your brain working properly for the day!
