• Question: When did you start liking science

    Asked by coolman to Laura, Nicola, Norman, Sandra, Thanasis on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Nicola Wardrop

      Nicola Wardrop answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      Probably when I was about 13, but it is hard to say. It probably crept up on me gradually as I went through school! By the time I was 15, biology and maths were my favourite subjects.

    • Photo: Laura Soul

      Laura Soul answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      I think that for a long time I didn’t realise that I did like science becasue it wasn’t really my favourite subject in school, but actually I always asked my parents loads of questions about science things and I was really lucky because they could explain things to me. So I guess I’ve always liked science generally, but I didn’t start liking it as a subject in school until I was doing my GCSE’s and A-levels I think.

    • Photo: Sandra Phinbow

      Sandra Phinbow answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      I had wanted to become a scientist since I was about 8 or so- my dad bought me a microscope set with slides and I loved it.

      One day, I thought I’d play ‘boats’ with the family goldfish. I placed the goldfish on a flip flop in a bucket of water and swooshed it about, and didn’t quite understand why it died very quickly. I thought “Hmm, now what?”. I decided to cut it in half and put it on the microscope slide to look through it.

      Of course I had no idea about lab techniques such as fixation or staining! I just knew it was jolly tough to slice and I couldn’t see anything much. Without knowing it at the time, I had just taken my first baby steps into histology.
