• Question: What topic do you like doing about in science

    Asked by kirsty14 to Sandra on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Sandra Phinbow

      Sandra Phinbow answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      HI Kirsty, I really like doing what it is that I do. My job is gynae cytology, and that is where my big interest is. I really like looking at different cells and working out if they are normal or not, and if they are not normal then why are they not normal?

      I like looking at organs from the body, and seeing how they all fit in and how the work, and what they look like inside when we cut them open.

      I also really enjoy the health and safety side of my job, I am one of 2 who are called ‘DSE Assessors’, we make sure everyone’s computers, chairs and desks are set up and that they are sat correclty so that they dont have problems with aches and pains. Which is really important for us that are sat at microscopes for a long time.
