• Question: How has science changed your life's?

    Asked by nicole99 to Laura, Nicola, Norman, Sandra, Thanasis on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Laura Soul

      Laura Soul answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Science is constantly changing all of our lives, all the technology that we use every day, and all the medicine we take to make us better, and all the things we know about how we should look after our planet and the environment, those things are all from science as well as lots of other things.

      Science has changed my life personally because it’s my job now! So it’s given me something to do that I find interesting.

    • Photo: Nicola Wardrop

      Nicola Wardrop answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      Getting involved in science has changed my life loads! I was the first person from my family to go to university, so I moved away from home for university, then even further away after that! I am from Scotland, but I now live and work in the south of England…but I also travel a lot to other countries for my work. If I hadn’t done these things…who knows where I would be now? Maybe somewhere more exciting, or maybe somewhere less exciting.

      I think it has also changed the way I think about things – I think critically about things a lot more. And I don’t mean I criticise things, I mean I assess both sides of the argument and then come up with my own opinion on it. Plus, I like to learn and the more I learn, the easier I find it to learn more…it starts to come a bit more easily!

    • Photo: Sandra Phinbow

      Sandra Phinbow answered on 18 Mar 2013:

      Science has changed my life in so many ways I couldn’t even begin to count them – but biomedicine, my field of expertise, has had a huge impact on my life – My Father had a life saving blood transfusion once, I have had tests to determine I do not have cancer, and am very unikely to develop cervical cancer, my children have both had a full complement of vaccinations and blood tests and operations, as had I. And it has been my job for the past 11 years.
